This is Spyro.

On October the 30Th it was my birthday . The 1st person who got there was Bradley and he got there an hour early. He got me an Eb games 30$ gift voucher.
The next person who got there was Reon and he got me a water gun. Then it was Sam and he was the last person. He got me chocolate and a 30 dollar gift voucher. My mum got me Sky Lander Spyros Adventures. My sister got me lots of Lego. Then Reon, Sam, Bradley and I went to Fortuna.
It was really fun and there was a lunch tray and a pudding tray and there was plum ice cream and vanilla bean ice cream and we all went to the toilet at least once.
When we got home we all wanted to play soccer so we all played soccer. The teams were Reon and Bradley vs Sam and me. Sam and I were called the Ninjas and they were called theRobots. The score was Ninjas7 Robots 1 . Then we played on the Nintendo wii and then we took them all home. On the way we saw a fire and we all had lots of fun.
The end.